When I first started selling party decorations on Etsy and later transitioned to creating and selling printables, you couldn’t have convinced me that my mindset had anything to do with how well my Etsy shop was doing. Maybe you can relate if you have your own side hustle. We think that if we just work harder, faster, and longer hours, we can produce more product and make more money. Are you relating to this? As it turns out we’re missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle. And that’s our mindset. on Etsy. So let’s talk about why you have to Change Your Mindset to Grow Your Side Hustle.
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What is Your Mindset?
First, let’s talk about what mindset really is. It certainly is a buzzword these days, so what does it even mean? According to a quick search, mindset is “a set of assumptions, methods, or notions” or “a person’s world view or philosophy of life.” Meaning, it’s how you see the world. Your perspective.
So how does my perspective influence the sales I get on Etsy or in my side hustle?
Well, if our mindset stems from our perspective about the world, then we’re only going to get results that we believe are possible for us, based on our current perspective – which might not be that great.
Where Does our Mindset Come From?
So okay, we can blame our perspective on the fact that we’re not making progress in our businesses. Great! I wanted something to blame it on! But where does our perspective come from in the first place?
Our perspective about the world and business comes from our beliefs.
Think about a few of your beliefs for a second. Things like, do you believe in God? What do you generally believe about money? What do you think is possible for you? Are you a lucky person? Do things in life come easily to you or is it difficult? Maybe you hold the belief that life is hard.
These are all your beliefs that create your perspective and shape your mindset… and ultimately, shape your business.
Change Your Mindset to Grow Your Side Hustle
So, if you want to see changes in your business, you have to first start evaluating what your beliefs actually are that are likely holding you back from growing your business. Once you understand what your beliefs are, it will be much easier to change them.
And once you start to shift your beliefs a, you’ll notice that naturally your mindset about business and what’s possible for you are going to naturally start to shift. You will start to see opportunities that weren’t possible for you before.
That’s why I teach all my students in my printables program, that you can’t just work on the strategies and tactics in building a printables business. In order to be successful, you also need to change what’s going on between your ears. And I am a living a breathing example, because that’s how I’ve grown my shop.
Thank you for reading Change Your Mindset to Grow Your Side Hustle
I hope this has helped you think about how your mindset is something you need to focus on if you want to be successful on Etsy or in any side hustle. I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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