My daughter basically came out of the womb dancing and swaying to music. Maybe it was all that gangster rap I was blasting in the car while I was pregnant? Or maybe it’s just in her blood. Either way, I KNEW I wanted to create a modern music party theme for her 2nd birthday with all the DJ Party Decorations! And, if you have seen any of my tutorial videos on DIYing party decorations, then you know I love to make them myself and encourage you to as well! All that said, here are all the DJ Party Decorations for her special day.
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When I set out to find the perfect music party decorations and DJ Party Decorations, I’m not going to lie, it was bleak my friends. A DJ theme party is hard to come by! I actually have a Pinterest board with music party decorations and it is slim pickin’s.
“THIS is all that’s out there!?”, I thought. There’s got to be a better way for this kids party theme! And there was! So, the DJ Party Decorations were born. The idea behind these music party decorations was a lot like my other parties. Take a common (or sometimes uncommon) theme, in this case, a music themed party, and give it a modern and sleek look, so that parents can enjoy the theme just as much as the kids.
Your invited to the modern music themed party with dj party decorations!
These dj party decorations have been such a huge hit for girls, I’ve made many of the JD themed party decorations available digitally and made it more boy-friendly, adding some blue options for those of you looking for a cool music party for that guy in your life!
So, as the Black Eye’d Peas would say, “Let’s get this party started!”
Let’s Get These DJ Party Decorations Started
Welcome to the DJ kids party theme for my daughter’s 2nd birthday with all the dj party decorations!

In addition to all of the dj party decorations I included at my music birthday party, there are so many other great music themed ideas to use on Amazon! Throughout this post I have included some must-have music party items that you can get on Amazon Prime!

Dressed to impress
I wanted to dress my daughter as THE DJ, obvee. Since she is the one that is running this show. And, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but this music party dress came out even better than I could have ever hoped! In my eBook, Your Pinterest Perfect Party Planner, I go into detail about how I made this dress.

And I always, recommend the whole family get involved on the outfit coordination. I’ll admit. Here are all the music-themed outfits. I created one for me too, but it was a total Pinterest FAIL.

Here’s the birthday boy and girl! Yes, they have the same birthday, which is pretty cool! What’s freaky is that me and my dad also share the same birthday, while my sister and stepdad also share their special day. I can’t tell you what it all means, but I can tell you it’s a lot of fun.

If you’re headed to a music themed party, don’t arrive empty handed! Here are some music gift ideas for the cool kid who loves music.
Please Don’t Stop the DJ Party Decorations
I wanted to incorporate song lyrics into the music party decorations to really get that music vibe flowing. In this photo, I used the lyrics from, “How wonderful life is now you’re in the world”, By Elton John, on this sign. It really made me tear up reading it thinking that my baby was turning two!

Here’s some more music themed banners that you can get on Amazon!
I love a good high chair banner, but when you have a toddler, a lot of times they have already graduated from one of those! So a chair banner was the perfect way to go for this DJ themed party. I made sure to incorporate the record wherever I could! And may I say that I was thoroughly impressed that it not only survived the party, but stayed on this chair for months after, which made me smile every time I saw it.

Oh what a feeling! I love decorating from floor to ceiling, so I loved the idea of hanging music notes around the music party!
People often ask me what a centerpiece stick is, and here it is! It is super cute and easy way to bring the theme into your flower vases, candy dishes, or food display, so I loved creating these record centerpiece sticks!

For Your Entertainment
One of the things I talk about in my Pinterest Perfect Party Planner is that I think it’s important to have some kind of entertainment or activity for both the children and adults.
At this DJ party, we decided to have a DJ themed guest book and coloring station.

The rest of the time, the kids were totally content to play with all the toys in the playroom. It was the perfect amount of activities for this age group.
Get up girl! Show me what you can do!
The main activity for the music party, among all the dj party decorations included a sing-a-long where my parents sang and played the guitar! That was the best part, and thoroughly enjoyed by the birthday girl! My parents set up a little “stage area” and led people through “Happy and You Know it”, “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain”, and all of her other favorites!
It was so much fun watching all the kids (and adults!) sing and dance.

We had some Melissa and Doug instruments lying around that really helped to bring out the joy in all the children. I have included a few you might consider for your party below, but pots and pans would also do the job! 😉
Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

And of course there was plenty of food and drinks at the music birthday party! We served pizza and appetizers and some snacks for the kids on these record themed paper plates.
Wondering how to make these paper plates? All you need is waterproof sticker paper! You can check out the paper I recommend for that on all of my suggested products to DIY your party decorations.
Of course I needed coordinating music party signs! These signs were perfect on the dessert and food tables! You can recreate this look with this printable “I love Rock and Roll and Snacks” sign for your kids music party theme.

For dessert, I wanted a little variety! We served a cake that had the cutest DJ cake topper from an Etsy shop, perfect for this modern music party!

But I had also seen this adorable piano made out of Kit Kats on Pinterest that I just HAD to emulate…
I’ve included the things you need below to create this Kit Kat piano, and other great additions to your modern music party food! You could totally use the music note cookie cutter to make cookies, cut little sandwiches, and so much more!
You Don’t Have to Go home, but you can’t stay here
What’s a modern music party without music-themed favors that match the other dj party decorations!?
We sent our guests off with cookies in the shape of pianos, microphones, and records (Do kids even know what a record is anymore?!) Another cookie read, “I love the music in you”.
The tags I created were in the shape of records as well and said, “Thanks for mixing it up with DJ Rae.” But I made sure to include a more generic tag below that can help you celebrate your DJ themed party for your child!

This coordinating sign that said, “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here,” was kind of EVERYTHING! Amiright? And it is the perfect fit for all the other DJ Theme Party Decorations
As I mentioned, our favors were modern music party themed cookies, but there are so many other party favor ideas for this theme. I have included a few below:
That’s a Rap on The DJ Party Decorations
I love this little girl so much, and I just can’t believe she is a toddler! How time flies! It’s for that very reason, that we have to really take these milestones and celebrate them to their fullest. You can read more about my journey as a new mom here, and how I’ve learned to celebrate the now.

Let’s Connect
Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about these DJ Party Decorations! I hope this gives you some ideas about how to easily plan a music themed party for kids! Tell me below what you thought! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and beyond. Above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat, or continue celebrating your life with The Celebration Effect.