Gratitude Journal Prompts for May

May is one of my favorite months of the whole year. Spring is fully in bloom and there is a change in the energy and feeling since Easter. Can you feel it? You can certainly see the changes happening! The days are noticeably longer and brighter, which I love. The sun sets later and it’s getting warmer by the day – at least in the northern hemisphere. If you’ve been following along on How to Write in your Gratitude Journal for Manifestation, you know that gratitude is the way to manifest miracles all throughout the year. Even though we don’t have to look too far to find what to be grateful for this time of year, here are your Gratitude Journal Prompts for May.

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At the Spring Equinox, during Easter, new life was just beginning to emerge. It’s a time to set intentions for the rest of the year and to plant seeds for growth. But here, at the beginning of May, it’s time to start taking action on those intentions. It’s time to grow! And to help you through this action-oriented time, let’s look at some of the things that are happening during this month!

May Holidays to Be Grateful For

These “random” holidays that I found for this month, will be helpful as we look for our inspiration for the month of May.

  • 1st: May Day
  • 2nd: National Brothers and Sisters Day
  • 3rd: National Paranormal Day
  • 4th: National Teacher Day
  • 6th: National Day of Prayer
  • 9th: Mother’s Day
  • May 15th: International Day of Families
  • 20th: Be a Millionaire Day
  • 21st: National Talk Like Yoda Day
  • 26th: National Sorry Day

May Day Meaning

As you may know, the first day of May is May Day. Also known as “Beltane”, it marks the mid-point in Spring that is half way between the Spring Equinox & the Summer Solstice. In ancient times, it was known as an incredibly joyful, time to celebrate life. If you’ve listened to my podcast, The Celebration Effect, you know I LOVE this idea. That said, make an intention to practice gratitude every day this month. Use this month as a way to celebrate every day. In my blog, Gratitude Practice Ideas, it will give you even more ideas of how to do this.

Gratitude Prompts for May

  1. Being that May 2nd is National Brothers and Sisters Day, write down 2 reasons you are grateful for your siblings.
  2. On national paranormal day, give thanks for the woo woo coincidences that always happen. Remember there are no coincidences and the universe always has your back. Write down a time that something amazing happened to you that felt almost paranormal.
  3. Everywhere we turn in life, we have teachers. These are our parents, our friends, relatives, mentors, and others who help us see the world a little differently. Identify one of those people in your life and give thanks.
  4. On national day of prayer, pick something you would pray for today and pretend it has already happened. After all, when we ask for something, it comes from lack. When we say a prayer in gratitude, we attract what we want.
  5. On Mother’s Day, write down one thing that you didn’t expect to love about being a mom. If you aren’t a mom, give thanks for one thing your mom did for you as a child that you will always remember.
  6. Family is everything. But sometimes you create your own family. Give thanks for someone in your life that you consider family and how thankful you are to have them in your life.
Gratitude Journal Prompts for May

More Gratitude Prompts for May

  1. What if you had all the money you ever dreamed of? Spend a few minutes writing out how grateful you are that this has happened, and what you’re doing day to day. What does your life look like? Really connect with this version of you and give thanks as if it’s already happened.
  2. This one’s a stretch, but bare with me. Let’s take a Yoda quote to break down for our gratitude journals this month. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Write down one thing you are most fearful of. Then write down what it would look like if you weren’t afraid of that anymore. If you were one of those people that didn’t think that was an issue. Who would you BE like? How would you act? Spend some time being that person.
  3. On national sorry day, consider something you regret doing in your past. So thank you to yourself for that experience and notice how you’ve changed since then. Write down a few ways you’ve matured or grown since that time.

Related Articles

Now that you’re set with Gratitude Journal Prompts for May, you might also be interested in the following articles:

Your Gratitude Journal Excuses Debunked.

Powerful Gratitude Prompts for When Life is Hard

The Best Time to Write in Your Gratitude Journal

Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about Gratitude Journal Prompts for May. I hope this gives you some ideas about some new ideas for writing in your gratitude journal this month! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat. You can also get started on celebrating your life with your FREE gratitude journal printable or by subscribing to my podcast, The Celebration Effect Podcast! I can’t wait to connect with you more.

