I was thinking about when I was FIRST started my business. There were so many things I thought I needed to be doing. SO many places I thought I should be investing. But I didn’t quite know which ones to start with. Therefore, I wanted to give you my 3 Things You Should Invest in For Your Creative Business that I think are worth your money.
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There’s so many options for spending money in business!
There are SO many ways to spend money when you’re starting your creative business! For example, you might be seeing all the “BIG” names posting constantly on social media? So you’re wondering, should I get a social media manager? Should I hire a team? Should I get a loan so I can quit my job and do this full time? What should I invest my money into inside the business?
This can feel confusing and scary because in the beginning – let’s face it – we don’t have a lot of CASH-EESH! Know what I’m sayin’? So it’s like, which one is the one we should be focused on.
If it feels overwhelming to you, it’s probably because you’re doing TOO much at once. You’re thinking about ALL the things that you might need to purchase and put in place over the span of several months or even years. But you want them all to happen RIGHT NOW.
I can relate to that. I wanted that too.
But my advice is to just do the NEXT best step. You don’t need to do it all at once. So here are three things I personally would invest in from the very start. (Some I did, and some, I waited and should have done sooner.) I’ll explain as I go…
A Website: 3 Things You Should Invest in For Your Creative Business
A website is the new business card. (And no, you DON’T need a business card! I had them in the very beginning and…what a waste of an investment! Especially because, if you’re a creative business owner like me, then you change your business frequently, and have to get all new business cards LOL.)
I digress…the website. Your website is your business card. And the good thing is… you can change it, add to it, update it at any time! You don’t really need a CRAZY website to get started. You just need something that establishes your presence online that you can grow later. To see all the things I recommend in getting ready to launch your website, checkout my Website Tips For Creatives. It will help you figure out where to get started. Remember. Just do one step at a time! You’ll get there.
Bookkeeping Software
Okay, I know this one might scare you. It scared the shit out of me. Truthfully. So much so, that I waited years to start using one. And in total and complete honesty, it’s still something I don’t love dealing with month after month. BUT, at least I know what I’m making and what I’m spending. Know what I’m saying?
At the end of the day, we’re in business, right? This isn’t a hobby! (Or at least we don’t want it to be!) And because of that, we have to start acting AS IF we are already making a ton of money in our business. And what would a super successful creative business owner making millions of dollars do? They would have a bookkeeping software! Because when you’re making millions of dollars, you have to know where all your money is coming and going!
To that end, I recommend Quickbooks (This link MAY give you a discount of 30% off for the first 6 months!). Again, I know it’s scary. But there are experts out there that can walk you through it and get you started. That’s what I did! I had someone literally hold my hand through the process. I needed it! And I still do! But I did it. And if I’m being honest, it always makes me feel really smart when I can get through a month of using it without questions. And I need all the encouragement about my smarts that I can get!
Personal Development and Community
Lastly, you’ve got to invest in YOURSELF. What you’ll learn in business is that YOU are your number one asset. And because of that, it’s one HELL of a personal development journey. If you want to make MORE in your business, you’ve got to work on YOU! So find opportunities to grow as a person. Therefore I recommend you invest in courses, books, and opportunities to learn and grow.
First, learn about how your habits can make a big impact on your success. For that, I recommend Atomic Habits by, James Clear and The Compound Effect, By Darren Hardy. Then, you should also learn a little bit about finance. For that, I would recommend Profit First, by Mike Michalowicz, and The Simple Path to Wealth, By JL Collins, Peter Adeney, et al. Lastly, it’s all about improving YOU. A few personal development and spiritual books that have changed my life and business are, The Game of Life and How to Play it, by Florence Scovel Shinn, and lastly, The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles.
Lastly, a great way to help you grow in business is to get into a community that is going to put you around people who can help you grow. Remember, you are who you surround yourself with! So surround yourself with other creative women taking big risks to encourage you to do it as well! In fact, I have my very own business community that you might love to be a part of. You can get on the waitlist for the creative business owners community here!
Thanks for Reading 3 Things You Should Invest in For Your Creative Business
I hope you enjoyed reading about 3 Things You Should Invest in For Your Creative Business. Let me know how I can help you in the comments below! You might also love my FREE guide of the essential tools, apps, and platforms I use to run my successful online business.
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