The thing about owning a crafty or creative business is that Creative business owners often experience higher levels of burnout compared to those in other industries. That’s why I’m always encouraging my students to diversify! Here are 5 Proven Ways to Add Multiple Income Streams to Your Creative Business Without Burning Out.
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I remember this one time, right before a family trip to Hawaii, when I was in my craft room, frantically cutting, gluing, and packaging up a bunch of party decorations. I was stressing out, thinking, “How am I going to finish all this AND pack?” It was overwhelming.
Looking back, if I’d had more income streams set up, I could’ve turned down a few of those orders and not worried as much. I would’ve known that my business was still bringing in money from other sources.
Creating Passive Income Streams: 5 Proven Ways to Add Multiple Income Streams
Even now that I have more income diversity, I’m always looking for new ways to increase my revenue without overextending myself—something you should think about too. But when I say new income streams, I’m not talking about just any kind. I’m talking about passive income, so you’re making money even when you’re not working.
I have affiliate marketing and digital products set up in my business. And recently, I’ve been exploring investment opportunities as another way to diversify. Lately, I’ve been into podcasts on rental income. While I’m not saying you should dive into real estate, it got me thinking. I listened to this guy talk about all the work he put into his rental properties. At the end of the year, he only made around $5K in profit!
I was shocked! But then it hit me: One of my income streams, affiliate marketing, brings in more than that! And it didn’t take nearly as much effort to set up. So, while rental income sounds hard to me, I realized it’s just like any other income stream—it’s all about learning and getting started.
That’s why I wanted to share the simple formula I use to add new income streams to my business. Trust me, we all start off feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure. But if you follow this formula, I think you’ll see how easy it can be!
Money Making Success #1 – Explore Ideas
Start researching. This is the fun part. This is where you listen to all the podcasts, books, and speakers who tell you about amazing ways to make money. You get to try on all the ideas and imagine what it would be like if you tried them. It’s not deep-dive research. It’s just a way for you to get a feel for what moves you could make. So, if you’ve listened to my YouTube channel, you can probably find a lot of ideas around selling printables, for example. If that’s one of the income streams you’d like to implement.
Money Making Success #2 – Choose One
Step two might be the hardest part! And that is to make the decision of what income stream you’re going to pursue. Sure, there are printables, there’s affiliate marketing, there’s blogging, POD, eBooks, KDP Journals, etc. And there’ll be time for you to try it ALL! But you have to start with just ONE THING. So just pick the very first thing that’s calling your name.
Money Making Success #3 – Find Your Expert
Once you pick your thing, it’s time to deep dive on it. This is where you start uncovering the HOW. How do you do it? What do you need to do first to set it up? This is where it’s good to be obsessed with your end goal. (This might be a good place to check out an online course. For example my printables course, AGG. Or my group coaching program, Online Business Besties™, where we talk about how to increase your revenue, grow your audience and run your business more effectively. The idea is to find content that is going to help you get it done. You can likely do it for free on YouTube, but you can often FastTrack your success by investing in a program from someone who’s gone before you. Either way works. Just really depends on how much time and money you have.
Money Making Success #4 – Push Forward with Action
THIS might be the hardest part! It’s time to take action! This part can often be time-consuming. This can make you feel discouraged, with questions that pop into your head like, “Am I wasting my time!?” or “What if this doesn’t work!?” But you have to push past this part because this is where most of the people give up. They’ll do the research, pick the idea, take the course and learn all the things, but NOT take the action. I want you to stand out above the crowd. Take the steps forward to make this dream a reality. And how you do that is by getting yourself into a group of people who are also taking action just like you. It helps you see other people’s wins, and it helps keep you accountable. So, any way you can secure that accountability for yourself at this stage is huge.
Money Making Success #5- Master the Waiting Game
I take it back. This is absolutely the hardest step. But, it’s the MOST simple. It’s the waiting game, which consists of two main pieces. It’s being consistent by taking the same actions you took in step four. So If you’re doing printables, you have to post new ideas and new products. If you’re blogging, you’ve got to post new blogs each month or week. If you’re doing affiliate marketing, it’s best to grow your audience so that you can increase your revenue. And then, of course, the second piece is being patient. None of these things are easy, but they are relatively simple if you find the right person to show you how to do it.
5 Proven Ways to Add Multiple Income Streams
There are countless ways to make money online, but it’s essential to focus on what excites you and what you can consistently grow over time. Remember, this isn’t about getting rich quick. Just like in a traditional job, becoming an expert takes time and experience. Think about what you can achieve in one, two, or even 10 years if you start today!
I didn’t build my affiliate marketing success overnight; it took years of effort, and now I’m reaping the rewards. This formula can help you realize that creating multiple income streams in your creative business is simple and achievable.
To help you get started, I’ve curated a list of essential tools, apps, and platforms that I use to run my successful online business. This will guide you in growing your audience, generating revenue, and managing your operations efficiently. Grab the free guide here!
Thanks for Reading 5 Proven Ways to Add Multiple Income Streams to Your Creative Business Without Burning Out
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