Does the idea of starting a printables business fill you with fear? Do you talk yourself out of starting for various reasons? Are you dreaming of living the life you love, but afraid that your efforts might not be worth it? As someone who has gone through the same experience, I know that fear is not something that you can simply snap out of! That’s why I’m here to guide you on how to Get over Your Fears and Start a Printables Business and eventually make money selling printables!
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Your Fear is Normal and Valid
First, let me start by saying that your feeling of fear is valid. As humans, it is in our nature to resist change. Maybe that’s the reason why we call ourselves creatures of habit. We would rather be stuck in our own little bubble than expose ourselves to the unknown.
“I don’t have that many ideas for a printables business.”
“What if I don’t earn enough passive income for my printables business?”
“What happens if I can’t run a printables business?”
Eventually, you realize that there’s nothing guaranteed about printables, just like anything else in life. As humans, we are very uncomfortable with not knowing what’s coming next. We would rather choose to stay in our familiar, unhappy circumstances. As the quote says, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.”
Get over Your Fears and Start a Printables Business because Fear Gets You Stuck in the Comfort Zone
The thing is, that kind of mindset prevents you from having opportunities, and holds you back from seeing the rewarding benefits of starting a printables business. When you decide to stay in your comfort zone, you’re essentially moving backwards. And most of the time, you regret not doing that thing that keeps popping in your head. The only way to know is to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change.
Get over Your Fears and Start a Printables Business by Embracing Change
Look, I get it, maybe you are still thinking that you are not talented enough and that starting a printables business takes too much work, energy, and money. Your investment might not be worth it.
Actually, I recently discussed in my Masterclass, How to Get over Your Fears with Starting a Printables Business. I discussed with my students how out of all the investments out there, the printables business has got to be the lowest barrier than anything out there. Printables are an extremely inexpensive way to get started with passive income. And the least terrifying! In fact, it can do you wonders. You get to earn money while keeping your 9-5 job, you get to have a creative outlet, and learn about running a printable business. Trust me, there is more to gain than to lose!
Change is Your Friend
Do you have that one friend who cares for you enough to be real with you? That #toughlove kind of gal who gives advice even if it’s something we don’t want to hear? Change is like that. It might make you uncomfortable for a short while, but if you’re all about what benefits you and your future, you choose to continue walking the unknown path because it is better than staying miserable!
Let me tell you a little story.
Did you know that when I was starting out, I had tons of fears!
“Nobody is going to buy these,” I said when I was starting my party decoration business.
“Can I do this right?” I asked when I switched to printables business.
“There’s probably a better way to do this,” I said when I was teaching others.
To be honest, some fears came true. Like that time I got my first bad review! Ugh! But you know what? I showed up anyway! I pushed through all the setbacks, the humiliation, and the doubters. And I’m so glad I did! I am now celebrating my life by growing my printables business with a strong and fearless attitude!
Get over Your Fears and Start a Printables Business Now
In a nutshell, what you do at the present will determine your future. Don’t let your mind get filled with fear today if you want a favorable result tomorrow. Every waking day is your chance to be closer to the person you are meant to be.
So hush those little doubters inside your head to rest and start your printables business with joy and excitement!
If you want to get started right away, but don’t know where to start, take the quiz to find out what passive income printable is right for you. And if you still haven’t made up your mind, read more about How you can FINALLY make money selling printables here.
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Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about Get over Your Fears and Start a Printables Business. I hope this gives you some ideas about how stepping out of your fear and embracing changes can help you bring success to your printables business! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.