Are you looking to start a side hustle selling printables? I love that because there’s HUGE fulfillment potential when you learn how to monetize your hobbies and passions! So let me help you discover Why Selling Printables Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme.
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As you may know, I was able to turn my hobby into a business by creating and selling printables on Etsy. And now I help other women learn how to do it too so they too can use their creative skills to make passive income.
But before you start searching, “How to get rich quick from side hustle” let’s talk about why this isn’t the best goal when it comes to a side hustle.
How I Started Selling Printables
Before my printables business, I was at one of the lowest points of my life. Right after I had my daughter, I suffered from postpartum depression. I had to work on myself to find my place in the world.
I learned that in order to find happiness, we can find our place in the world by embracing the skills that we have and use them as an outlet. Making things pretty has always been fulfilling to me and I thought ”hey, maybe a printables business is my path to express my creative outlet.”
Fast-forward to today, I can definitely say that I’m turning my passions into profits!
What I want you to know is that I didn’t just wake up one day and have a ton of printables customers. My printables business has been a journey and a process and I want to shed some light on this journey as you aspire to create your side hustle as well.
You see, Before my printables business, I was at one of the lowest points of my life. Right after I had my daughter, I suffered from postpartum depression. I had to work on myself to find my place in the world.
What I Learned from Selling Printables on Etsy
I learned that in order to find happiness, we need to embrace the skills that we have and use them as an outlet. And for me, making things pretty has always been fulfilling to me. Maybe you can relate to making things like designing scrapbooks, making cards for friends, or crafting up something amazing. If that’s you, then you can probably relate to the feeling of not thinking that these types of talents had any place in the world. How could you EVER make money using scrapbooking skills? Right?
But once I learned that following my passions was the key to success in life, it made me realize that I was sitting on an entire set of skills that I could use to monetize on a place like Etsy with a side hustle like pritables. Fast-forward to today, and I can definitely say that I’m turning my passions into profits!
Why Selling Printables Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
But If you’re just starting a side hustle and seeing it as a quick way to get rich, you’re going to be disappointed my friend. And I don’t just mean when it comes to selling printables. I mean ANY side hustle. If any side hustle or business is promising quick returns that seem unattainable, then follow that intuitive hit that’s telling you to run like crazy in the other direction. I mean, have you seen the documentary about Bernie Madoff? Sure that was about investing money, but this is the same thing. But instead of investing money, you’re investing your time and your energy into something that’s going to eventually turn into a passive income stream for you and your family.
Things that are worth it, usually require a little bit of time and a whole lot of patience. Anything else is just a Ponzi scheme.
Because here’s the thing. When you have get-rich-quick mindset, it puts money above all things. And when we seeing money as the main driver, that means our ego is in control. And when that happens, competition is a threat and no matter how many sales we get, it will never be enough. The next thing you know, you are starting over from scratch as you jump to the next opportunity to get rich quickly.
Where to Live From When You’re Creating Your Side Hustle: Why Selling Printables Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
However, if your purpose is greater than you, you are creating a space where you are expressing your creativity through a side hustle and allowing it the time it needs to nurture it and grow it into a legit business, that’s when the universe will truly reward you with the success and riches.
Because yes, printables has made me over 100 thousand dollars on Etsy. And I love that it’s a passive income stream. But it’s also allowed me to grow tremendously, improve on my craft, and become a true entrepreneur.
Without a defined purpose, money will rule your thoughts, emotions, and your life. And with so many options available to earn money on the side, you have to pick the one that is most aligned, not the one that’s going to make you the most money the quickest.
So if you’re looking for a side hustle, maybe you’re considering a printables business, but also looking into other ideas, let me give you some of the red flags to look out for.
The Red Flags Of A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
- First, is there a promise that your side hustle will double or triple your money in no time? If it’s a yes, I say run! Making printables takes patience and determination. You have to invest time and effort upfront to reap the rewards on the backend.
- Is your money dependent on recruiting others to sell a product with you? Pass! My mom did a few MLMs, and don’t get me wrong, they can be awesome! But there are so many shady ones out there, right?
- Is there a required monthly purchase requirement of company products or inventory you have to hold? Get up and leave! That’s why I love printables. It’s all on my computer and most months my expenses for my printables business is less than 20 dollars.
The Green Flags Of Selling Printables
- You’ll gain valuable skills that you can take anywhere in life.
- The cost of starting doesn’t outweigh the value you’d receive from it.
- There is ZERO pressure to hit “goals.” You have the freedom to stop, stay small, or go big!
The empowerment of having a side hustle is so rewarding. I would argue that even if you started a side hustle and it failed. And the reason for that is because even if you quote unquote fail, you’re never starting from scratch ever again. You get to take what you’ve learned on to the next thing you decide to pursue.
On the other hand, maybe in a few months or in a year, your side hustle can grow into something huge.
While the path to financial freedom is every entrepreneur’s goal, you have to make sure that you’re approaching a side hustle from your purpose, rather than having it be all about the money.
Thanks for Reading About Why Selling Printables Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
I hope that was helpful to you, and if you’re super excited about getting started selling printables but need help with ideas about what kinds of printables to sell, I have a brand new guide that will give you the 3 Steps To Unlocking Printable Ideas Using AI. It’s going to help AI become your personal assistant so that you can get started and get that first sale much more quickly than you ever could on your own.
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Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about Why Selling Printables Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme. I hope this gives you some ideas about how thinking of your printables business as a get-rich-quick scheme won’t make you happy, fulfilled, or successful. I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.