I’ll never forget the day I finally decided to sell on Etsy. I’d been avoiding it for so many reasons. Thank god I finally started, since I was able to build my printables business to 20K in one year on Etsy. But as I grew my business, I started to realize that being successful on Etsy (or at anything really) was really hard because of something extremely powerful. So if you want to follow in my footsteps, I want to tell you How You’re Sabotaging Your Success Selling Printables On Etsy, whether you’ve started already or not.
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How You’re Sabotaging Your Success Selling Printables On Etsy
I know what you might be thinking.
I don’t self-sabotage; I want to be successful on Etsy! And that might be true. But what it is that you’re saying to yourself about selling printables on Etsy?
For example, are you saying things like:
- The Etsy market is too saturated.
- I’m not creative enough.
- I just don’t know if being a successful printables seller is possible for me.
- What if I fail?
Now you might be thinking that everyone has these self deprecating thoughts, so what’s the big deal? Well, the big deal is, how many people do you see actually chasing their dreams? How many people do you see actively pursuing positive change in their lives instead of just complaining and daydreaming?
Not a lot, right? So why is this?
Your Etsy Success Hinges on the Laws of the Universe
Well, it all starts with The Law of Vibration, which proposes that everything is energy and that energy is always moving and vibrating. And depending on how fast or slow that thing is vibrating, we call that it’s frequency.
You actually learned about this back in 8th grade science class but you were too busy checking out that hot guy in the front row. Or maybe that was that just me?
So that then brings us to the next thing we need to learn, which is The Law of Attraction. This one you might be more familiar with, but most people don’t realize that it hinges on the Law of Vibration first. And the reason for that is that the basic definition of the law of attraction is that like attracts like. So when one thing is vibrating at a certain frequency it’s going to be drawn to something with the same frequency.
Now stay with me here because this is all related to how your sabotaging your success on Etsy.
Even Our Thoughts Are Energy
Now remember how we said that EVERYTHING is energy? You, me, and the device you’re reading this on are all energy. But the most important one we want to talk about here is our thoughts! Even our thoughts are energy.
So have you ever thought about the word, ’emotion’? It literally means energy in motion. It is the frequency that we are vibrating at at any given moment. We’ve just assigned words to those frequencies so that it’s easier for us to identify. So instead of saying, “I’m vibrating at 396Hz”, we can say, “I’m feeling guilty because I’m working on a Saturday when I should be playing with my child.” See how this works?
Each emotion is a different frequency. The better the feeling feels, the higher the frequency. And the more we’re pulling like situations, experiences, and opportunities our way. However, the worse the feeling feels, it means we’re in a lower frequency and pulling in situations, experiences and opportunities that align to those feelings.
How You’re Sabotaging Your Success Selling Printables On Etsy
Now, do you remember some of the negative comments we discussed earlier regarding our thoughts about Etsy? For example:
- The Etsy market is too saturated.
- I’m not creative enough.
- I just don’t know if being a successful printables seller is possible for me.
- What if I fail?
Well, how do those thoughts make you feel? Not great, right!? That means that we’re not using the law of attraction to reach our goals on Etsy. We’re using it to repel what we really want. Because by thinking these thoughts, we are pulling in my experiences, situations, and opportunities that are on the same frequency of those thoughts.
So why is this so important?
How To Stop Sabotaging Your Etsy Success
The takeaway from this isn’t to make you feel bad for thinking negative thoughts. The takeaway is to start becoming aware of our thoughts. Awareness of our thoughts is the very first thing we have to do to start making positive changes. Once you start to notice your thoughts and how they impact the world around you, you’re going to start changing your thoughts.
What can you start noticing about your thoughts around starting or growing your Etsy shop this week? What is the frequency that you’re vibrating at in any given moment? Are you happy? Worried about making more sales? Thinking you might fail? Jealous of others who seem to have created an Etsy shop that you want for yourself?
Start to look at your thoughts and how they’re impacting your success on either starting or growing your Etsy shop, and maybe you’ll start making a more conscious effort to start changing your thoughts around what’s possible for you on Etsy. And remember this quote by T. Harv Eker where he says, ” Where your attention goes, energy flows and results show.”
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading about How You’re Sabotaging Your Success Selling Printables On Etsy. I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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