When do you think of your greatest ideas? For me, it’s usually in the shower or right before I fall asleep. Can you relate? Okay, but now here’s my next question for you. Once you get an idea, what do you DO with it? Do you nurture it? Do you take action? Or do you just let it slip away? In this article, we’re going to dive into, What do you do with an Idea?
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I have something super different and special that I wanted to share with you that’s going to help you think of your ideas in a different way. It’s actually a book that I bought for my daughter.
Reading What Do You Do With An Idea, By Kobi Yamada
This book is called What do you do with an Idea and it’s written by Kobi Yamada. Here I am reading it on YouTube.
Thoughts are Things
This book gives me goosebumps. And the reason for that is because I think it so brilliantly describes how thoughts are things. On the back of the book it says, “What do ideas become, big things, brave things, smart things, silly things, good things. Things like stories, artwork, journeys, inventions, communities, products, and cures. Everything you see around you was once an idea. So what will become of your idea. Now that’s up to you.”
Everything Started As A Thought
I want you to think about how everything in this world started as a thought. Everything you can ever imagine was merely just a thought at one time.
Let me give you an example. When I first started selling party decorations on Etsy, I got myself a business coach. And one of the things she taught me was that one of the ways I could add another stream of income to my business without having to work as hard was to start a blog. So I had my initial thought that I would start a blog. And I was excited about it because I love to write and I always dreamed of getting paid to be a writer.
Give Your Idea More Energy
But then doubt and fear crept in. Just like in the book, right? I wondered if it was even possible to make money blogging. And I thought to myself, What could I possibly write about every single week in regard to my business? But I decided to just take that Idea and run with it.
So I continued to give this idea energy, I started my blog. I brainstormed some initial blog ideas. And I started writing, at least one blog every single week. and I never stopped. And I had a friend say to me, Do you even make any money in your business? And I remember saying, well, not as much as I’d like YET. But I kept going, and I kept writing, and I kept feeding the ideas. And any time I had an idea for a new blog, I would write it down and I would write it.
Success From Just One Thought: What do you do with an Idea
Fast forward to today, I have hundreds of blogs and I now make hundreds, if not thousands of dollars off my blog every single month. And it all started with JUST that one thought. That thought of, I could do that.
See thoughts are amazing things that we have every day that could carry us to a completely different place in our lives. That’s why I love in this book that it says “I don’t know how to describe it, but it went from being here to being everywhere. It wasn’t just a part of me, it was now a part of everything.” And that is truly what the definition of manifesting is. It is moving something from thought into form. It was no longer just in your mind anymore, it was sitting there right in front of you.
Thoughts Will Change Your Life
So I guess what I wanted to encourage you today is that your thoughts are things and that they can literally change the world, if not the entire world, they can at least change your entire world. So many times we cast our ideas away because of what others think, or because we’re not sure if we can accomplish it, and just like in my story, I doubted myself too. But if you can take an idea and think about it enough, it’s going to grow, and expand, and eventually it’s going to become a real thing.
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