I love personality tests! Do you? From Myers–Briggs, to Enneagram, to Human Design, I love trying to figure myself out more a little bit more all the time. After all, they say that’s what we’re here to do – get to know who we really are, right? Knowing yourself a little bit better can help you understand where you are so that you can make decisions for your life and business. For example, my personality type is probably what helped me build my printables business to 20K in one year on Etsy. So if you’ve been considering buying a course to help you sell printables, let’s go through the 4 Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student so you can figure out where you fall and what to expect.
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4 Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student
If you’ve been thinking about taking a digital course to learn how to sell printables on Etsy, you might know you’re in the right place. I have a course that opens up for enrollment every so often for people just like you! But like other decisions we make in our lives, the decision to invest in an online course brings us a lot of internal questions. For example, what if it takes me longer than expected to finish the course? What if I get discouraged half way through. Will I have the time to devote to follow along with the printables course?
These are all valid questions. After all, I’ve taken quite a few online courses myself over the years, and I often wonder if it’s a good use of my time and money before I make the final decision. But the truth is, there is no right or wrong way to take on a course. As both a course-taker myself, as well as a course creator, I’ve witnessed four personality types that move through online courses in very different ways.
1. The Star Student: Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student
The first personality type that I see come into my printables program, The Abundant Girl’s Guide to Passive Income With Printables on Etsy, is the Star Student. Now, just because they’re considered the “star” doesn’t mean they’re the best. It just means that they really embrace the idea of taking advantage of all that’s available to them when it comes to the printables course.
The Star Student like’s to jump right in and watch the course while taking action. For example, in my course (at the time I’m recording this video) there are 3 modules in the program. And I always tell my students that it’s totally doable to not only watch the course, but also set up a successful printables shop in 30 days. Star students follow along with the program so that they make sure they’ve accomplished this goal within that timeline.
Upon joining the printables course, students get to take advantage of 3 calls over the course of a month, as well as being a part of a members-only Facebook group. Star students schedule these calls in their calendar and try to make it to each one live, jumping on camera to ask their questions and getting deep in the content. They also engage in the Facebook group, asking their questions, announcing their challenges, and celebrating their wins.
2. The Consistent Student
The Consistent Student knows that they probably don’t have the kind of time that the Star Student has. They have other things going on in their lives, like a full time job, being a mom, and so on that stops them from being able to show up exactly like a Star Student. Following that 30-day blueprint is a little tougher for this student with all their commitments. However they still make it a point to join the Facebook group, watch as many calls as they can within that 30-day period, and watch the course whenever they get a chance. Consistent Students may not be so outgoing in the Facebook group or on the designated calls. (This might actually be because of their real personality type). Nonetheless, they make progress at their own speed. They are committed and consistent, but not as quick to get everything done within that initial timeframe.
3. The Planner
The Planner is someone that has had their eye on the course for a while. They know that they don’t want to wait any longer to learn how to use their creative skills to make passive income through printables. However, they also know that they won’t have the time to take action in real time like The Star Student or the Consistent Student. No worries! They have a plan.
The Planner has an idea in their head about when they can dive into the content and when they’ll have to put it on the side so they can focus on other things. They have a clear vision in their heads of what they want their finished printables shop to look like on Etsy, it just might take a bit of time to get there. They’re excited at all the possibilities that printables has to offer.
4.The Dabbler
I’d say that more often than not, I run into many dabblers inside the printables program. I love the dabblers because they are often risk takers, creative people, or people who want more for their lives. They aren’t necessarily great at keeping schedules and following through on actions. However, they keep coming back to the course and continue to make progress over time. Often times, these are the students I hear from many months, if not an entire year, after taking the program. They tell me that they finally made their first sale after putting the blueprint into action. Or, that they’ve finally followed the steps to create their first printable and had a great experience. The Dabblers are the wild cards who adopt a little bit of all the previously mentioned personality types. Everyday looks different. They show up when they can and how they can.
What is the best of the 4 Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student
So what can we take from these 4 personality types? For starters, not one of them is better than the other. Often times, it’s simply about the time they have to devote to starting a printables business right now. So that means that it’s really about what season you are in your life that will determine what kind of course-taker you’ll be. There’s no shame or guilt in any of the types.
Wherever you fall, I always encourage starting right now. You never know when the next time the course will open, if the price will go up, or what stage you’ll be in your life at that time.
My Course Personality Type
So where do I fall when it comes to the personality types of a course student? I think it probably depends on what season I am in my life. I have taken many a courses in my day, and have probably been each individual personality type at various times. However, I probably tend to be the Consistent Student more often than not. And the reason behind this is that I don’t think of myself as a very extraverted person. Because of that, I tend to avoid live calls. I hang in the background and make progress in my own time. Something else I do is that I try not to let the star students make me feel shameful that I’m not going as fast as them.
I have also been The Dabbler courses I have taken. In one case, I didn’t pick up a course until about 2 years after I bought it. However, I am so glad I invested when I did. Reason being, not only had the bonuses and content in the course changed during that time, the price on the course had since gone up as well. By purchasing before I was “ready”, I was able to take advantage of things that newer students weren’t able to.
So where do you think you fall? Tell me in the comments below!
Thanks for Reading 4 Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student
Thanks so much for reading about 4 Personality Types Of A Printables Course Student. I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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