You’re an entrepreneur? Congrats! And according to Google, being an entrepreneur means you’re a person who organizes and operates a business and takes on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. But if you’re someone who is operating a business of any kind, then you’ve probably wanted to give up a time or two. Is this you? If so, I want to take some time to chat today about What to do when you want to give up in business.
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Feeling Hopeless in Business
I can tell you from personal experience, I have wanted to give up at times in my business, more times than I can count on my fingers. I’ve have been there and have felt hopeless. I have asked myself, “What’s the point?” I have wondered if I was on the right path. I’ve cried out asking for a sign for the next step. I have been there.
So what do I do in those moments, and what can we all realize so that when these moments occur, we have something to hold onto?
Why We Might Give Up in Business
Well, I think we need to start with WHY we typically feel like giving up. Why does anyone give up? Well, if we think back to when we were kids and our parents wouldn’t let us quit a sport that we signed up for, why do you usually quit? Well, one reason is that it’s just not fun anymore. In the case of sports and with kids, I truly believe that if you aren’t having fun doing it, it’s not worth it and I personally want to let kids just be kids as long as possible. But when it comes to business, I’m not sure that this is the philosophy I totally agree with.
On one hand, I think that when you first start a business, it needs to be something you’re already passionate about. I’m always telling my students that. Lead with your passion and not with the trends. However, there is a saying that says “Even eating pie becomes a job when you have to do it every day.” Well, for those of us who already didn’t like pie as a dessert, this sounds like a job right up front. But I digress. This saying highlights how even enjoyable activities can become tedious or not so enjoyable when done repeatedly or as part of a routine or job.
But I think what people don’t realize is that this is exactly why so many people don’t achieve amazing crazy results. We see other people who are killing it, and we think, oh there’s something that that person has that I don’t. When actually, they are just normal people, but they decided that even when something wasn’t necessarily super fun anymore, they STILL continued to do it because they were committed to the outcome that they set out to complete.
Commitment Verses Interest
There’s a question that I heard one time that has really stuck with me and that is “are you committed, or are you just interested in the goal that you’re looking to achieve”. Because if you’re just interested, than you might “dabble” in something. You might try it out. Do it until you’re bored, do it because you saw instant results.
But then, when you aren’t seeing the results, if you aren’t feeling completely happy, if you’re not in it for the long haul, then you’ll just move on and do something else. And in my mind, that’s a hobby. You can do something a few times a year, have a great time. And as soon as it’s not serving you anymore, just put it down and come back to it again when you feel like it. And that’s totally fine.
However, if we’re talking about it being a business, that you’re serious about. Then you need to be committed. Because then when the going gets tough, when you don’t see those instant results, when you’re in it for the long haul, you’re going to stick it out.
Atomic Habits Helps You Not Quit in Business
And there’s a great quote in one of my favorite books, Atomic Habits that says, “Fall in love with boredom. Fall in love with repetition and practice. Fall in love with the process of what you do and let the results take care of themselves.”
He references a lot in this book about sports stars like Michael Jordan who practiced ALL the time. And it’s not that every one of those practices were fun or easy. In fact, a lot of them were hard and grueling. But since he was committed to a bigger outcome and not just interested in basketball as a hobby, he continued on and saw huge success.
So I think that’s the first question we need to ask ourselves when we get into this feeling of quitting, which is, am I interested, or am I committed? Again, no judgment either way, but that’s a decision you have to make.
We Quit Business Because We Don’t See Results: What to do when you want to give up in business
What’s another reason why we might give up on something? Well, we might give up, if we aren’t seeing the results we want. I have been in this place over and over again in my business. And it’s usually because of one of two reasons.
The first is that I don’t know the right next steps to take to see the growth or the results that I want. And the second is that I’m not taking responsibility and doing the things that I need to do in order to create the results I want.
So with the first one, maybe I’ve tried a few things. Maybe I’ve thrown spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, and have come up short. In that case, the number one thing I always turn to is a coach or a mentor.
What to do when you want to give up in business: A Mastermind
Because when you’re sitting there not knowing what to do next, why not follow someone who has gone before you? In the book Think and Grow Rich, he talks about the power of the mastermind. This is when two or more people come together to form ideas. I find that sometimes when I end up joining a new program, getting a new coach, or surrounding myself with like-minded people, I start to get new ideas popping into my mind, even when I’m not consulting with the group or coach.
That’s because we change our frequency when we open ourselves up to new possibilities and new environments. When we’re all alone and stuck, we wallow in self pity and we sometimes can’t get out of that space. Not only can a coach or a mentor tell you what to do next, but they can simply encourage you. I recently had a student come to me and tell me they were thinking of giving up. We talked and realized there were other things going on. It’s a game changer you have someone else to see your potential.
What to do when you want to give up in business: Are You Taking Responsibility for Your Results in Business?
And then the last thing, as I mentioned is that, we’re not taking responsibility. We have excuses about why it’s not possible for us.
For example, here’s one we all get caught up in sometimes. Which is I don’t have enough time. And believe you me, I have been there. But I have also grown my entire business with a full time job and being a mom. And I saw something on Instagram recently that said this. The only difference between rich and poor people is the way they use their time. I thought that was really profound.
So are you thinking of giving up because you aren’t seeing the results? Ask yourself if you’re taking personal responsibility of the goal that you want to accomplish. Are you making time for your goal? Are you putting in the work? And if not, you’ll need to look at your habits. How are using your time and ask yourself if you’re making excuses or not.
That’s why I love the books I’ve talked to you about today, and there’s one more I just recently read that I want to tell you about which is called, The Compound Effect. And its all about how you can see big results overtime, and it gives you example after example of people who continued on, even after they felt like quitting, and began to see results with this idea of the compound effect. It says in the book, “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is not intelligence or opportunity; it’s their willingness to keep going when things get tough.”
Overcoming the Urge to Quit and Achieving Lasting Success
So if you’re in a place in your business today. Ask yourself, are you truly committed to this goal, find yourself a mentor to help you get to that next level, and lastly, realize that your personal choices and habits. This includes the choice to NOT give up. It’s the ONLY way that you’re going to see success.
So I hope that if you’re thinking about quitting today, you’ll go have a good cry in the shower. Because you need to always feel those feelings. But then I want you come back tomorrow with a fresh perspective. See what it would look like if you kept going. Create that vision for yourself of being successful. Ask yourself who would I have to be in order to see success? Start living from the place of your future self. The person who already has what you want. You’re going to not only not give up, but you’re going to start seeing the results that you want.
xoxo, Lindsay
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