Okay so, You Want A Side Hustle but You Don’t Have Enough Time. Is this you?! I hear this from people ALL. THE. TIME. And in this article we’re going to talk about it!
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When Most Entrepreneurs Quit
When I first started selling handmade party decorations on Etsy, I remember that my mother in law came to watch my daughter on a Saturday. She was probably about one year old. And during that time, I decided to create a new party to sell on Etsy. So I got to work creating all the different things for it. I think I worked for like four hours straight and barely got anything done. I remember my mother in law commenting on how much time I had spent. And at the time, it did feel like a lot of work, and I wondered if it was worth it.
And THIS part right here, the beginning part where it takes WAY too long to do something is exactly where MOST people quit. They quit because they look at how long it took them to do those very first tasks and they say to themselves, “This is SO not worth it”.
Fast forward a few months in my business, and I started to sell that party on Etsy over and over again. That meant that I didn’t have to redesign the party. So the re-creation process took WAY less time. Hours less time. Plus, I learned how to do things more quickly than the first time. I could use my Cricut cutting machine much faster. And I could pre-make a bunch of parties so that when someone ordered it, all I had to do was ship it.
Not Trading Time for Dollars
Now, as you might know, I don’t do the handmade items anymore. I have switched strictly to digital products and don’t trade time for money. But truthfully, this process that I just described, no matter what type of business you’re starting, will be this way. Meaning, in the beginning it’s going to take you WAY longer to do anything. And that’s because you’re learning a new skill (or many new skills). And until you get better at those skills, then it’s going to take longer.
However, over time, you’re going to see that time going down because you are going to become more competent in what you’re doing.
Overcoming the Initial Hump: You Want A Side Hustle but You Don’t Have Enough Time
The first thing I tell people about starting a side hustle or a business is that you have to first get over this initial hump. But before you get over that initial hump, you’re going to have to look into your calendar, into your schedule, and find this extra time to start this business.
You might know that I teach people how to sell printables so they can use their creative skills to make passive income. One of my students says that she was able to create 70 Etsy listings in just two months. Many people would say that that amount is just simply amazing. And I certainly think it is too. But she actually said that she designs all her printables just 3 hours a week – even more amazing! I asked her how she made it happen so quickly. She told me that everyone has pockets of time, you just have to FIND them.
This is so true! So I wanted to give YOU a few ways to find pockets of time to spend on a side hustle like creating printables, or anything else you are trying to pursue as a business.
Finding Pockets of Time: You Want A Side Hustle but You Don’t Have Enough Time
The first way to find pockets of time is to check your social media usage. Did you know that you can actually check your social media usage from your phone? If not, let me tell you how.
If you’re a Facebook user, you’re going to open your Facebook app. Click on settings and privacy, and then your time on Facebook, followed by see your time. I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook. However, if you do, you have literally found a pocket of time that you can use to design your business.
Here is how you can find your usage on Instagram. Head to your profile. Click the three lines in the top right, then click your activity, followed by time spent. I spend more than an hour a day on Instagram. And that time could be much better spent if I was working to grow my business, right?
Another way to find time for your business is looking at your TV watching time. If you go ahead and google Netflix Calculator, you’ll be able to get the same type of metrics that we just pulled up for Facebook and Instagram. And it will tell you how much Netflix you’re watching.
Time Is All About Perspective
According to the interwebs, Americans with full-time jobs still manage to watch more than two hours of TV per day. If you trim that down, you can use that extra time to dedicate to your business.
Now don’t get me wrong. I like to watch Real Housewives as much as the next person. However, I want you to know that I have built my entire business on the side. Meaning, I have been able to grow my Etsy shop to over 500 listings. As well as my weekly blog, my YouTube channel, and my hundreds of coaching clients, all while working a full-time job and being a mom.
So if we’re saying we don’t have enough time, we need to recognize that it’s all about perspective. What you’re really telling me when you say you don’t have enough time is that having the business isn’t a priority to you. Because the reality is that we all make the time for the things that matter most in our lives right? We don’t stop picking up your kids from school or doing your laundry because we lack the time. We prioritize those things.
Side Hustle Investment – Deciding Between Money and Time
Another perspective to realize here is that if you want to start a business, you’re going to have to invest one of two things. You’re either going to have to invest your time or money. So for example, if you want to get into investment properties, you have to put in a good chunk of money, right? Alternatively, you can start a side hustle that is basically free, like how I teach women to sell digital products on Etsy, as I mentioned. For that, instead of investing money, you’re investing time. (However, if you can find a side hustle that is easy and doesn’t take either of those things, tell me what it is below because I want to hear about it!)
Truthfully, none of us have any more time. None of us are saying, “I have TOO much time! How am I going to spend it?” So it’s all about how you’re spending your time. What I would recommend is keeping a log over the next week to see where you’re really spending your time. And you’re going to realize really quickly that it’s likely not as wisely as you could be spending it. And if you take my student’s advice to use those pockets of time, you’re going to be so proud of what you’re able to build. Even with the little amounts of time that you find to dedicate.
Thanks For Reading
I hope you take this article about how You Want A Side Hustle but You Don’t Have Enough Time as a sign to get started with something you’ve been putting off because of time. If you’d like to make money selling printables on Etsy, get the checklist that will help you ask the right questions as you create your first Etsy listing – saving you time! I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram, and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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