If you’ve ever thought about creating and selling printables on Etsy, you are in the right place! Ever since I switched my party decorations to printables, I have had a blast using my creative skills to make passive income. But you might be wondering, “Do I have what it takes to sell printables on Etsy?” So let’s talk about 3 Characteristics of a Successful Printables Seller that I think you should adopt if you’re looking to sell printables on Etsy.
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The Real Question For Etsy Printables Sellers
Here’s the thing. You might had a thought about selling printables and about how fun it could be. And you’re not wrong! I absolutely love selling printables in my Etsy shop. But then fear kicks in. You start to wonder, Is Selling on Etsy Too Competitive? But just like everything, there’s going to be someone else who’s already doing what you’re doing.
So the real question isn’t weather or not someone is already doing it. Because yes, there are already a ton of people selling printables on Etsy. The real question is, what makes a printable sellers successful or not?
Examples of Already Successful Entrepreneurs
Some of my all-time favorite books are Atomic Habits, Think and Grow Rich, and a book called, The Science of Getting Rich. There’s something that all of these books have in common and why I love them so much. First of all, they tell you the recipe for becoming successful, which I love. But more importantly they give examples of people who are successful, and then they outline the kinds of characteristics and traits these people have in common.
It’s fascinating to me that successful people across so many different types of industries generally have similar traits or perspectives as one another. With everyone from investors, to innovators, to artists, or sports stars, they share a similar mindset.
And I think it’s so valuable to read these types of books in order to see what successful people are like so that you can improve your odds of becoming successful in something you’re undertaking. And the same is true for becoming a successful printables seller. And that’s why I wanted to share my top 3 Habits of a Successful Printables Seller.
3 Characteristics of a Successful Printables Seller
The first trait that I know is important as a successful printables seller is patience. As I always say, selling printables is not a get-rich-quick scheme. That’s why I know the most successful sellers have patience as a virtue in their lives. They know that it can take time to not only come up with new ideas for printables, but to also do all that it takes to bring those visions to life and get them listed on Etsy. Not only that, but it can take time for certain listings to start gaining traction. I personally have seen an item sit for years with no sales, and then suddenly get a few in one week.
Another characteristic of successful printables sellers is consistency. So many people give up after trying for just a few weeks or a few months. I believe that any kind of entrepreneurial endeavor is going to take some time to see results. If we only “dabble” in something, we’re not going to see the kinds of results that we’re really looking for in our lives. That’s why showing up consistently in your printables business is so important.
And lastly, I believe that the third most important habit or trait of a successful printables seller is courage. So many people think that you have to have confidence to start a business. In truth, you have to have courage. Courage is doing something even when you’re scared and even if you don’t know if it’s going to work or not. But just like everything else in life, I believe that everything you want is on the other side of fear. So if you’re thinking of starting a printables business, I hope you’ll push through the fear, my friend.
Thanks for Reading About 3 Characteristics of a Successful Printables Seller
In summary, successful printable sellers aren’t much different than anyone who is successful at anything. Patience, consistency, and courage, are all probably characteristics of real estate agents, lawyers, and, or artists. These are probably characteristics we could all work a little bit more on adopting in our lives, and I hope you will if you want to sell printables on Etsy.
I hope this gives you some ideas about what kinds of characteristics it takes to be successful on Etsy. I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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