You might already be convinced that selling printables is hands down the best way to make passive income using your creative skills. I know this because I switched my party decorations to printables, and would never go back! But I recently talked about the idea of creating a blog to grow your printables business, which might interest you if you’re a creative person like me. And I want to go further into the idea of blogging to support your printables business and tell you Why You Sell More Printables With A Blog.
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Okay, so you’re on board with the idea of a blog. Maybe you love to write. Maybe you are just yearning for some creativity outside of your 9-5, or even outside of your printables business? Recently I wrote about How a blog can grow your printables business and I want to go into a bit more detail as to why growing a blog can really help you sell more printables. So let’s talk about it!
Content is King: Why You Sell More Printables With A Blog
Have you ever heard the phrase, “content is king”. Either way, here’s what it means. Google, the most important algorithm in the world until further notice, likes to give people the information they’re looking for.
To make sure they’re making good on this promise, Google doesn’t just want to show you products that are applicable to your search. They want to make sure they give you a plethora of options. So, if you’re looking for content about losing weight, they’re more likely to display blog posts at the top of your search results that discuss weight loss, instead of products. Inside the blog, it might point you to some science around losing weight, some different types of exercise or diets, as well as some products that are recommended. With all of this information you’ve found, you can now make a more educated decision around what do do next.
The same goes for printables. If someone is searching for budgeting printables, then Google is more likely to bring up a blog talking about how budgeting printables can help you in your life, rather than directly leading someone to your printables on Etsy.
Blogs Can Help You Sell Printables on Your Website
A blog is a great way to bring in an audience to sell printables from your website, like I do . As you might know, it’s always a good idea to not put all your eggs in one basket (i.e. one platform). Ultimately, we don’t want to JUST rely on Etsy long term for our printables businesses. We want to expand. Selling on your website is a great way to diversify so that if something were to happen over on Etsy, you have another outlet to make passive income – one that you own!
Help Customers Understand Your Printables
Another great reason for having a blog to sell your printables is to help your customers better understand your product. For example, maybe the idea of using your printables isn’t super obvious. Or maybe someone doesn’t even understand what a printable is! A blog is a great way to tell a story about why your printables would be right for them.
For example, I sell baby book pages on my website and on Etsy. Sometimes, people don’t really understand why you wouldn’t just want to buy a pre-made baby book. So that’s why I wrote a blog called, DIY Your Own Baby Book all about why I ended up making my own, and how others can benefit from my printables for theirs. Again, this helps buyers hear your point of view and increases their desire for your products.
Alternately, maybe you’re selling something that customers can use to make something. For example, party decorations, quilt patterns, wallpaper or clipart. In that case, a blog is a a great idea to demonstrate what your product looks like before and after the DIY process. You can see an example of this in my blogs about DIY Valentines. The customer can see what the printable looks like when they print, and also once they’ve put the valentine all together.
Thanks for Reading About Why You Sell More Printables With A Blog
And that’s Why You Sell More Printables With Your Blog – because successful printable sellers often aren’t just relying on Etsy to sell their printables. It’s all about building a business around your printables.
I hope this gives you some ideas about why you might want to create a blog to promote your printables. I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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