Have you recently thought that starting a printables side hustle might be the best creative outlet for you? I couldn’t agree more! Creating and selling printables is the most effective and fun way to use your creative skills to make passive income! I can absolutely relate to this because when I made the switch in my business to printables, it was such a game changer for me. But perhaps right after you get super excited about the idea of a printables business, you take a look on Etsy and realize that there are literally millions of digital printables available. You ask yourself, “What do I even sell?” Well, I got you, friend! I’m here to help you nail down What Printables You Should Sell on Etsy.
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The Importance of Nailing Down What Printables Should You Sell on Etsy
A key part of launching your printables business is deciding what niche to start out in. Picking a niche gives you the advantage to communicate with your target customers on a deeper level of expertise. Too often though, it seems to be the most challenging part! If you make your niche too specific, do you run the risk of having low demand for your printables? Or if you make your niche too broad, will you have trouble gaining authority?
I know this process can make you feel STUCK! However, once you nail your printables niche, not only will your customers recognize your business easily, but they will see you as the expert in that field, and ultimately, you will make more printables sales on Etsy.
Struggling to Pick the Right Niche Is Normal
I am no exception to the rule! Afterall, It took me two years to finally commit to the idea of selling printables, even after I sold my first printable on Etsy. Yes, I waited that long. Even though I was extremely burned out from making handmade party decorations, fear was holding me back. I mean, hello! There were already so many people selling printable party decorations on Etsy! Would it even be worth it to make that my new niche?!
Turns out the burnout won out over my fears! I took a leap of faith and decided THIS IS MY NICHE.
What Made You Want to Sell Printables in The First Place?
Perhaps it would be good if we go back to the reason that most of us come to the idea of selling printables in the first place. For one, we are OVER our “real” jobs that don’t allow us to be creative. We’re in industries that don’t light us up or allow us to just relax and create. And that, my friend, is why I love printables and why I say that creating and selling printables is the most effective and fun way to use your creative skills to make passive income. That’s because it gives us everything our “real job” doesn’t. That ability to be creative, have fun, AND make money.
It sounds like a dream though right?
Find Out What Printables Should You Sell on Etsy So You Can Live That Dream
So, what’s the first thing I recommend when deciding on niche for your printables business? Well, the first is following your intuition. What prompted this idea in the first place? Did you see a printable that you thought was cool on Etsy? Did you say to yourself, “I could do that so much better”. Or maybe you bought someone else’s printable and thought, wow how fun, I should be doing that. Knowing where you found your inspiration is a huge thing that is pointing you where you’re supposed to go! It’s the Universe giving you a sign!
So what do you do with that sign? Well, you take the next best step. And the next best step might be reading about a few of the best ways to make passive income on Etsy. OR, you could do a little research of your own on Etsy and Pinterest and find out what you gravitate towards.
How to Finally Nail Your Printables Niche
Doing the research to find out what’s out there is a great first step. But oftentimes, it’s too hard to take the next step because of fear. And that’s what I’m here to help you with.
I created a free training on How to Nail Your Printables Niche to help people just like you turn their creativity into income and fun! Because once you finally nail your niche, you will FINALLY be able to start doing that.
In this training, you will discover the exact printables you should design and sell, gain the clarity you crave around where to focus your energy, and discover what’s next after you’ve nailed your niche!
So if your heart is calling you to make printables, don’t wait another day to start the most fun and effective way to use your creative skills to make passive income.
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Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about What Printables Should You Sell on Etsy?. I hope this gives you some ideas about nailing down your printables niche so you can finally start a printables business. I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.