Can you believe we’re halfway through the year? So, have you started on all your goals that you wrote down in your January calendar? Like, starting a side hustle, for instance? As you might know, I love to encourage you to go after your dreams, like creating a $20K year on Etsy. But these last 6 months may have snuck up on you and made you realize you need to get a move on! Today I’m going to talk to you about How to Conduct a Personal Mid-Year Review so that you can get back on track and reach the goals you set out to do in the next six months!
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New Year, New You?
Just think, that “new year, new you” mentality is already 6 months old! 😲 Shocking, isn’t it? So many people set new years resolutions, only to have them completely forgotten about by June. Why is that exactly? Well, there’s a few reasons. First, we are what our habits are. If you don’t create a habit around the thing that you want in life, you’re never going to get it. So if you haven’t watched my Free Habits Training to help you understand why Habits are so important and the habits I recommend for selling on Etsy, you’ll definitely want to take a look!
But why else do people not meet their goals each year? Well, another reason is that we just think we have all the time in the world. As Justin Bieber says “Young blood thinks there’s always tomorrow.” And ain’t it the truth? As I grow older, the days just keep going by faster and faster. I can see it in my daughter who wakes up a little bigger every single day!
So the question then becomes, if not NOW… WHEN?
The 10 Year Test
I always like to start off any goal setting session with the 10 year test. Why? Because people tend to vastly overestimate the things that they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years. The truth is, I’ve been doing this business now for 6 years . It has grown and changed, but nonetheless, I’ve put in that time.
However, many people want that over night success. They want instant fame and fortune. But it just doesn’t work like that. In fact, beneath most overnight successes, is someone whose worked tirelessly for years to have that “over night success” that people see on the outside.
So the 10 year test is looking at every category of your life as it is NOW, and how you’d like all of those categories to be in 10 years. For example, look at these categories: finance, body/wellness, relationships/social, work/career, and personal development/spirituality.
Reevaluate This Year’s Goals
Once you’ve done your 10 year test, you’ve created a vision for yourself of 10 years from now. Sure, it feels far away, but it comes up so quick! So you need to be prepared. Now that you have a vision for 10 years from now, you can check in with the goals you created at the beginning of this year and ask yourself, are these goals aligned with my 10 year plan? This will help you to just check in with yourself to see if your goals you set at the beginning of the year are even relevant to you, and how you should go about this mid-year review.
How to Conduct a Personal Mid-Year Review
From here, you’re ready to conduct your personal mid-year review. So you want to get setup:
- Find a nice quite place. Maybe this is in your office, in your bedroom, or even a bench at the park.
- Use my printable mid-year review printable, or just a piece of paper and cute and colorful pens to make it crafty and fun!
- Have your goals from the beginning of the year with you
I like to typically do this review NOT at my desk. So sitting Indian style on the floor or just something that makes me feel more focused on this one task.
Questions for How to Conduct a Personal Mid-Year Review
Now it’s time to actually capture where you are versus where you wanted to be at this point during this year. Here are the questions you’re going to ask yourself:
- Are my goals still relevant?
- How have my goals changed?
- What have I achieved so far this year in terms of my goals?
- What has gone well this year helping me toward my goals?
- Is there anything holding me back from achieving the goals I set out to create?
- What have I learned so far this year?
- Is there anything I can do differently as I move to the second half of the year?
These are all questions that are going to get you back in that headspace you had at the beginning of this year. It’s going to help you realize that you might have strayed a little bit from a few of the goals that you had, or remind you that you’ve been doing a great job at pacing toward achieving your goals by the end of this year.
The goal of this exercise isn’t to shame ourselves for falling off the horse, but remind us that there’s STILL time to make epic progress toward our goals through the end of this year. All you need to do is get started.
Finalizing your Personal Mid-Year Review
The next thing you want to do is create a plan from the goals that you wrote down. Goals cannot be achieved without action. So for example, if your plan is to lose 20 pounds, break it down into actions you’ll take over the 6 months, so you have an actual plan to complete your goals. For example, going to the gym X amount of days and X amount of hours. When we make concrete action steps, our “dreams” become an action plan.
Is Selling Printables Still on Your Goal List?
As you go through your list of things that you want
Thank you for Reading How to Conduct a Personal Mid-Year Review!
Thanks so much for reading about How to Conduct a Personal Mid-Year Review. I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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