Have you been thinking about starting a side hustle, but have been putting it off? If you’ve been hating your 9-5, wanting to make just a little bit more money, or need some creative inspiration in your life, these are all great reasons to start a side hustle. I should know! I create and sell printables for all of those reasons! But if you’re procrastinating on actually starting, I’m going to tell you Why You Haven’t Started Your Side Hustle Yet.
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What We Think about, We Manifest
They say, and I truly believe, that what we think about, we manifest. So have you been dreaming of manifesting a side hustle that brings in extra income to you and your family? Have you been thinking of all the things you’re going to buy with all the money you’ll be making in your side gig?
Or…are you focused on all the things that could go wrong. On how it won’t work for you. That you probably won’t get results like other people do. Or that it’s probably not worth trying for.
If you manifest what you think about…then what are you manifesting with those kinds of thoughts?
Here’s the deal. If you want to see success and finally start making money through a side hustle, you’re going to want to know how your brain is wired. Because the reason you aren’t manifesting your biggest dreams and actually starting a side hustle is because of your brain.
Understand Your Brain to Start A Side Hustle
Let’s break it down. You have two areas of the brain – the conscious and unconscious (or subconscious).
The subconscious mind stores and retrieves data. It’s the part of the brain that notices and remembers information when you’re not actively trying to do something. It’s in charge of making sure your whole body lives to see another day.
It makes sure your heart is beating and your lungs are working so that you don’t have to actively think about doing it.
The conscious mind is the part of your mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning. So if I ask you how much money you’ll need this month to pay for your kids gymnastics class or that new makeup set you want, its your conscious mind that’s going to be used to do that math.
As you learn how to do things consciously, you store your learnings in your unconscious mind so they become automated. Then you don’t have to think so hard to do them. For example, drying your hair, driving, walking, and typing are all things that you once learned with your conscious mind, but now they’re automated behaviors.
How Your Brain is Sabotaging your Success
When you were first born you had a completely unprogrammed subconscious mind. You didn’t have preconceived notions about anything. However, in the first few years of our lives, our brains get programed by observing the people in our immediate environment. For example, our parents, our teachers, and our siblings.
Kids learn what’s acceptable and not acceptable in terms of social behaviors, and what the general rules are in households, schools, churches, and nations. Your subconscious mind is an empty open bucket for the first few years after you’re born. And then all this crap gets dumped into it for about the first 6-7 years of your life. And then guess what happens? Your bucket gets sealed shut and you’re brain is programmed for life.
How Your Brain is Sabotaging Your Success
Once that information is programmed, it becomes available again when its time to use the info. This is great for driving a car and blow-drying our hair because it’s not as hard as it was the first time we did it. It’s automatic.
But what about all the other things we learned as kids?
What’s more, our unconscious mind actually controls 95% of our behavior, thoughts, and beliefs that we have throughout the day. So 95% of what we do every day is based off of what we learned when we were young.
So what does this have to do with starting a side hustle?
Why You Haven’t Started Your Side Hustle Yet
What have you been saying in your head since you were young about how capable you are, how smart you are, and what’s possible for you? Are you saying things like:
- I’m not smart enough
- I’m not a lucky person
- Nothing ever works out for me
- Every time I try something, I fail
- I’m not good at business stuff
These thoughts are the reason you haven’t started your side hustle. The come from beliefs that were programmed from an early age and are sabotaging you from reaching success. And if you disagree with me, I’d love to hear your excuse below in the comments so we can chat about them.
Start a Printables Side Hustle
So how do you get rid of these thoughts so you can start? Well, it’s a process. But the first step in the process is becoming aware that they exist. And now that you know, you’re one step ahead of most people!
Are you ready to overcome these automated thoughts and actually start a side hustle?
If so, I believe that creating and selling printables is hands down the best way to use your creative skills to make passive income, and it’s the BEST side hustle! If you’re interested, but don’t know what kinds of printables to sell – I’d like to invite you to take my free training, Nail Your Printables Niche, to figure out what printables are right for you.
Thanks so much for reading about Why You Haven’t Started Your Side Hustle Yet. I love to help you celebrate life through printables and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat.
xoxo, Lindsay
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